
Shyness and Social Anxiety


Social avoidance and inhibition includes:
Canceling social events at the last moment
Avoiding situations that provide positive social interaction
Few or no friends
Avoidance of activities that are otherwise pleasurable
Passivity, pessimism, and low self-esteem
Friends, family members, teachers, or mentors express concern
Excessive computer use that is a substitute for face-to-face contact with others


                Do any of the above describe you?  Many people dismiss social anxiety as simply shyness or a personality trait.  Most people get a little anxious when delivering a speech to a crowd.  People diagnosed with the condition, social phobia--also known as social anxiety disorder--may avoid many social situations out of fear that others will notice something unusual about them, like their shaking hands or blushing, and that their actions will embarrass or humiliate them.


            Social phobia is generally more debilitating than phobias focused on singular circumstances, such as a fear of thunderstorms or animals.  Being afraid of interacting with others can have negative effects on most areas of your life including: work, family, social life, recreation, spirituality, and health.



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